“We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of students”

If you have any concerns about the health and safety of a student at this college or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away.

Some issues e.g. a student’s appearance, hygiene, general behaviour, can be shared with any teacher or member of support staff in this setting. Do not worry that you may be reporting small matters – we would rather that you tell us things which turn out to be small than miss a worrying situation.

However, if you think the matter is very serious and may be related to a student protection concern, e.g. physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect, you must talk to one of the people below immediately. If you are unable to contact them, you can ask the college office staff to find them and ask them to speak to you straight away about a confidential and urgent matter.

Emergency Safeguarding Contact: 07377 183648 gstonier@harrisoncollege.co.uk

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Gemma Peebles, Principal

Designated Safeguarding Lead and Link Director (Whistleblowing): Gail Stonier 01302 540496

Local Contact Information

Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council

  • Local Authority Designated Officer: 01302 737748 / 01302 737332 / LADO@doncaster.gov.uk / Milovan Orlandich and Caroline Tanner
  • DCSP: dscp@dcstrust.co.uk /01302 734214
  • Multi Agency Access Point (Children’s Services) : 01302 737777
  • Emergency children’s services (24 hours): 01302 796000
  • CSE Referral: 01302 737200 / Jayne Pezzulo 01302 862012 / Carmel Bartlett 01302 736929
  • Early Help Contacts: earlyhelphub@doncaster.gov.uk
  • Children and Young People Police Officer (PREVENT): PC 3393 Cheryl Haigh

Nottinghamshire County Council


National Contact Information

  • Police: 101 (non emergency) / 999
  • PREVENT Officer: Inspector Brendan Packenham 0114 2961374 / 07769 131474
  • PREVENT Helpline: 02073407264
  • Domestic Violence Helpline: 0800 4701505
  • National Gambling Helpline: 0808 8020133 / www.gambleaware.co.uk
  • NSPCC: www.nspcc.co.uk
  • Doncaster Mind: 01302 812190
  • OFSTED: 0300 123 1231

Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with your son / daughter online?

Click on the link above to make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors

Online Safety

Advice and guidance for Parents, Carers and students themselves can be found on the websites below:

Online Grooming                                   Catfishing                                               Social Media

E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety

Virgin Media Online Safety Test




