Welcome to the parent’s area of Harrison College! Here we have lots of information for parents. Have a browse and get in touch if you have any questions.

Why would Harrison College be a good fit for your child?
Harrison College is a specialist business, enterprise and employability post-16 education provision for students with autism and special educational needs. We provide a challenging and future focussed environment with the aspirations of the student at the centre of all that we do. We place no limits on what can be achieved, it is ‘Your Future, Your Choice’.
Harrison College is different from a traditional Sixth Form or Further Education College as we are based in a small, professional environment on a business park, designed to maximise the potential of all young people with learning difficulties including those with high functioning autism and Asperger’s syndrome. We focus on preparing young people for adult life, encompassing employability skills, work experience, social skills, and life skills. Our class sizes are small allowing young people to build confidence and improve their mental health in a safe and familiar setting. We see the study programme as a bridge between school and employment as we include a long term work placement; an internship, in our programme allowing young people to develop the required employability skills whilst being supported by staff at the College and the work based mentor. We talk to our students about their learning journey and destination from the moment that they start with us, ensuring that we are always future focussed and that they are aware of all of the options open to them from employment through to higher education.