Rocco the Rhino Celebrates 1st Birthday

Posted on January 16, 2025

Rocco the black rhino celebrates his 1st birthday at wildlife park

Happy First Birthday, Rocco! Celebrating a Year of Support from Harrison College – WildLife Foundation

Yorkshire Wildlife Park is celebrating the first birthday of critically endangered black rhino Rocco, one of the rarest mammals on the planet – video Dailymotion

Did you know, today (16th January) marks the VERY first birthday of one of Yorkshire Wildlife Park’s most beloved icons? That’s right, Rocco the baby rhino is a baby no more!

Born as part of the park’s breeding program, Rocco quickly became a poster child for endangered rhinos worldwide, with the Rocco’s Challenge appeal being established in his honour to raise vital funds for conservation in Africa.

One of the biggest champions of the appeal, which was founded by Yorkshire Wildlife Park and WildLife Foundation, has been Harrison College. Based in Doncaster, the college is a specialist business, enterprise, and employability post-16 education provider for students with autism and special educational needs. With the college’s emblem being a rhino, symbolising traits of strength and resilience, CEO Gemma Peebles instantly connected with the appeal, seeing it as an opportunity to enrich the lives of students whilst promoting a meaningful cause close to her heart.

Over the past year, Harrison College has raised hundreds of pounds for Rocco’s Challenge through activities such as competitions, fundraisers, and sponsored walks. Last September in particular, staff and students raised an impressive £250 for the appeal at Doncaster Racecourse Family Fun Day. With support of college mascot ‘Ronny the Rhino,’ they sold products designed by students and helped to raise awareness of both the WildLife Foundation as a charity and the endangered status of rhinos.

Starting last June, Harrison College also visited primary schools in the local area and hosted a series of ‘Rocco Roadshows.’ These workshops educated students on the threats facing rhinos while also helping those with learning difficulties develop core skills in planning and communication. They also allowed children to brush up on their rhino drawing skills, but the results were admittedly pretty mixed (not through lack of effort, though!).

Building on this success, the college plans to host another four Rocco Roadshows by the end of the academic year and is looking for more schools to collaborate with. If your school would be interested in hosting a Rocco Roadshow over the next few months, please contact Harrison College CEO Gemma Peebles at

WildLife Foundation and Yorkshire Wildlife Park are still continuing to raise funds for endangered rhinos through Rocco’s Challenge. With black rhinos experiencing a population decline as severe as 96% over the last few decades, your support is vital to ensure their survival for future generations. You can find out more about Rocco’s Challenge and make a donation here.